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Protecting Your Child

Keeping your child or teen safe on the internet can be hard especially of they are blocking you out. A way to to keep tabs on them and make it  look like you aren't trying to hard is to get them to help you create a social media account. This can be fun for you and for them and this way you can follow, friend and like them on that social med. With you watching them it will make them think twice about they post, like and share on social media.  If your child tends to shut you out, try making a social media account that is not under you name, make it anonymous or have a made-up name. This might sound a bit rebellious but if  your child is in it for the likes and followers it will be an easy way to keep them under a watchful eye.


Here are some tips to keep your childs device time down and prevent them from being cyber bullyed.


  • Keep devices out of the bedroom. They might not want to but you have to be firm and sometimes strict if you want them to grow up and be responsible. This can also help them with self-discipline.

  • Only give them a set time on their device. An easy way to do this is to set their computer to a timer and if they go on it for to long it wil shut them out of their device automatically. Her are some step by step instructions to so this. This is gor Macbooks only.

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